on birth and dearth in Ireland
An Taibhdhearc, Gallaimh, Mí na Nollaig, 2019
Aonarach Le Chéile, Féile Rince, Iarthar Chiarraí, Méan Fómhair, 2019
Although one third of Irish women surveyed said they would like to homebirth just 0.2 per cent of Irish children are born at home. 30 per cent of Irish children are delivered by c-section. This biographical performance explores the medicalised model of birth in Ireland.
"Did they scan, sweep and monitor, insert, inject, suck, cut, stitch and accidentally nick the spleen. Did she bless the multi-colored team, all in blue and looking green, was she composed as a queen, in pressure tights and open gown, her royalty displayed to crowds, her guts, her glory ‘you're doing eentach mo stórín"