creating the natural conditions to reclaim your teanga dúchais
learning Irish in nature
Wild Irish Retreat is a space to reconnect with our language and land. It is a space to rediscover our ancestral skills and rituals. Each retreat is unique with either a ceremonial sweatlodge or a particular skill such as deer hide tanning to the fore. And Irish weaving the thread.
Irish is taught in the tochailt focail, we mine the language for its treasures discovering the inherent philosophy and conciousness therin or the foraclóir - where the foclóir is used as an oracle deck or filíocht as Gaeilge, where we learn how to run before we can walk and write poetry in our teanga dúchais.
The fat of the land: Learning about our native foods is an essiential part of rewilding ourselves: All retreats in a coastal location have seaweed foraging. We also do land edible foraging and preparation. Other wild craft skills taught are soap making, traditional hazelnut oil press and making natural lotions and medicines from medicinal herbs.
Wild hurling: learning the basics of the game from a master teacher will help you to enjoy the game as never before
Rituals have included sweatlodge ceremony, nature mandalas, creating a wild effigy, sacred dance, ancestral fire ceremony and water healing ceremonies. Rituals are spontaneous responding to the needs of the group and the guidance of the Spirit.