Reclaiming Ritual
The Seven Sacraments are thresholds that we cross as enter each new chapter of our developments. Rites of passage are multi-functional. Ritual using the language of symbol, informs the psyche, the sub-concious part of ourselves, that it is embarking on a new chapter. Ritual prepares the individual within the context of community support, it gives a space for the emotional release of what may be blocking the threshold. At these transitions, we are vulnerable, we have need of support and guidance.
Birth, the Age of Reason, Adulthood/Adolesence, Marriage, Parenthood, Priesthood and Death
I have worked as a ritual celebrant since first rediscovering the Celtic Wheel in 2016. I began to hold ceremony on the fire festivals for community at sacred sites around Corca Dhuibhne, then at places nationally. Lately at the Puca Festival. With Wild Irish Retreat, I facilitate sweatlodges and other spontaneous rituals for the preservation of the language. . Later I held women's circles on the full moon. Then the invitations from women crossing thresholds, expectant mothers; a welcoming of new souls. A naming ceremony. A ritual for the 6th class children of Lios na nóg who were about to enter into. Celtic Tree Mandala Ritual for the Preservation of the Irish language and many others.
But lately now the calling is to the Way of the Rose, an Choróin Mhuire. And so we did a Pilgrimage of Slí Déaglán, a walking prayer. More on that later.
Rites of Passage
The Baby Shower of Blessings. Beannacht ar an Bolg for Olive and Blanca. The woman present wrote their blessing for the future child on a piece of paper and gave it to the mother. Then, embodying the ancestral line of the incoming soul, they stood in a line, a hand on the shoulder of the woman in front and transmitted the support and guidance of the lineage to the mother and the incoming child.

rites of love

What does it mean to marry a person? To give yourself completely to a relationship. The Book of Knowledge says 'nothing is achieved outside of a committed relationship.' Within this committed relationship, we can serve the world.
The announcement of this commitment as witnessed by our community, who become invested in the union and obliged to some degree to support and remind the couple of this commitment, is a powerful thing.
Prunella Hanbury married in Birr Castle 2023
''We were so blessed to have Siobhan written into our celebration of love as a celebrant and wisdom keeper. She has a strength and depth and a glee of light laughter that brought meaning and magic to our celebration; a magic long since called in to return.
She has cleared and created the ground on which our new relationship is born and blessed. We are truly honored and can yet feel her holding in the continued journey of our life together.''
a new spiritual tradition

Our new spiritual tradition is none other than a progression that all that has gone before it, Pagan, Celtic, Christian, Catholic, Agnostic, Lost it, Found it. Esoterrific Misfit Mytics. What are we? We are children of God, unrealised, self penalised. Children of Light wallowing in the darkness.
The Celtic Wheel
Celtic rituals occur at turning points between heavan and earth, between the sun and the earth. Turning points are moments of intensified energy. We are earthbound solar beings. So its very important for us, to pay attention when the relationship between these two intensifies.
When the atmosphere becomes charged and it is a good time to perform ritual.

Lá féile Bríd
Le cúig bliain anuas, téann mé fhéin is Diarmuid is grúpa aitúla go dtí Tobar Gobnait ar an chéad lá de Feabhra. Chreidtear go bhfuil baint láidir idir an beirt is seans fresin gurb iad an duine ceanna. We weave the crosses and bless them for the coming year.
Every year on the first of February for Imbolc/St Bridget's day, we attend Gobnaits Well. This is the cam Bríd twisted from sail with intention for the triple blessings of the triple goddess. As the cam goes down the density of last years errors go with it. Errors transformed to lessons learned. As the cam goes up, the sap of